Sunday, November 25, 2007

Promote a peaceful nature.

" ...We can't blame one individual for what happens in our world.
I think we should blame our entire society.
Society produces our leaders and politicians,
and if we try to develop
a more compassionate and affectionate society,
we will have human beings with a more peaceful nature.
Leaders, politicians, and businesspeople coming from such a society
would offer hope for a better world.
Our long-term responsibility--everyone's responsibility,
whether they are believers or nonbelievers--
is to find ways to promote a peaceful and compassionate society."

Dalai Lama

I am thankful for all the beautiful outdoor/nature locations in Southwestern Oregon that encourage a "peaceful nature." Simon and I are sitting on a bench nestled in the forest overlooking the various rearing ponds and holding ponds for salmon at the Bandon Fish Hatchery. I believe that outdoor nature helps develop a peaceful nature. Simon has had so many opportunities to experience the peace of nature. I pray that these opportunities will help him continue to have a peaceful and compassionate nature in his life.

Photo by Ali Edwards - Bandon, Oregon - 11/24/07
Simon and Pati in the woods around Bandon Fish Hatchery.

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