Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Peace as a Vision"

"Peace is a vision, and visions must grow on their own,
following one’s inner desires.
Right now the vision is a spark,
but somewhere, sometime, the spark will catch flame.
I can’t say when that moment will be–it could be with you.
I hope so, because I know with certainty
that there is no stronger community
than the invisible one created by people
inspired by their own highest purpose."

Deepak Chopra - Peace is the Way  -   Index

A spark, a flame, a burst of fireworks! Wouldn't it be wonderful if people everywhere were inspired to have a "vision of peace." Peace in our world, peace in our families, peace in our minds. The beauty of fireworks exploding in the sky; that could be a vision of the beauty of peace as everyone works on their own individual peace process that combines into a whole explosion of peace, love and light for all people.

Photo: Fireworks at McDougall Family Reunion - 6/8/07

1 comment:

Christina Carnoy said...

great sentiments and great pic!