Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Feeling Peace with Pets.

"You may connect by taking time to be and play with your pet, be it your bird, cat, dog or any other pet. While petting, holding, talking to, walking with or playing with your pet, notice your feelings and your pet's response to you, as well. Just being aware of and feeling your pet's love for you, causes bliss. If you are truly in the moment, you may be feeling a sense of peace and gratitude for having your pet with whom to share your life, or, you may be experiencing deep love and affection for him or her. Just the act of petting your dog or cat releases endorphins, chemicals that help you to feel better."

Susan Apollon
"Tips to Living a Life of Bliss, Peace and Contentment - Finding Inner Peace"

Lily is visiting us at the beach for a couple of weeks while Ali, Chris, Simon and Anna are away on vacation. Al and I have always had Black Labs in our lives. Lily is another special Lab that brings happiness and peace. Lily's about eight years old now and having some trouble breathing after exertion, but never wants to quite chasing the ball or Frisbee. As long as we will throw it, she will continue to play.

Lily loves to go wherever Al goes - Fishing, crabbing, working in the yard, and especially running at the "Sheep Ranch" golf course.

Photos: 6/29/10 -
Lily waiting in the car to play chase with her tennis ball at Bandon Sheep Ranch and running with Al as he picked up his practice golf balls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sunshine and puppies on the beach -- what could be better? Thinking of you and Al and wishing you the best Summer! =)