Friday, November 2, 2007

Radiating Peace.

"All of us can work for peace.
We can work right where we are,
right within ourselves,
because the more peace
we have within our own lives,
the more we can reflect into the outer situation."

Peace Pilgrim

I am thankful for the concept of Inner Peace, and for the concept of working on peace "right where we are, right within ourselves," and then radiating that Peace out to others.

Photo: Playing with Photoshop: The original photo was of the bottom of a circular crab pot laying on the grass. The center circle and wires radiating out from the center gave me the inspiration to develop a LifeArt creation with the symbolism of working on peace within ourselves and then sharing that peace with others and each person passing that peace on to others in an ever expanding, radiating peace. (Click on photo to enlarge it and see clearly the wires radiating out from the center.)

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