Thursday, November 1, 2007

Peace as imperturbable self-composure.

"Life contains things that are pleasant and replusive;
it's the nature of the game.
As our understanding grows, acceptance can grow too.
An acceptance that is not characterized by
an exasperated sigh of resignation,
but an acceptance that embraces the pleasant
and the repulsive as a part of the nature of life.
There is less that can threaten a life
empowered by compassionate honesty.
When there is no denial, no indifference,
what remains is a peace that includes it all.
Such peace manifests as imperturbable self-composure.
It is real and true, not artificial."

Aaron DilLavou
South Coast Hospice Newsletter May 2003

I am thankful for all the volunteers that work with Hospice patients. Many volunteers work with the dying, and their families, and can be involved in unpleasant, disturbing and anxious experiences. Actually, everyday life can also involve these same emotions and experiences. How we react or respond is a choice. I would like to choose what Aaron suggests: "no denial, no indifference;" a peace "empowered by compassionate honesty;" the choice of a peace manifested as "imperturbable self-composure." I wish I could remember those words..."imperturbable self-composure," when I am experiencing unpleasant, disturbing or anxious experiences.

Imperturbable synonyms:
calm, collected, composed, cool, cool-headed, detached, even-tempered, nonchalant, unflappable, unruffled.

Photo: Pelicans on Gregory Point - 9/15/07
The pelicans personality exemplify the synonyms of imperterurbable perfectly. They rarely fly away, as we drive our boat close to their perch on Gregory Point, observing us with a detached, unruffled, calm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great post. I, too, need to remember this. Thanks for making the idea more tangible!