Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"Ripples of Peace"

"Make important choices and take actions toward others only
when you feel love, peace, and compassion
toward yourself and everyone involved.
When in doubt, wait until you have reframed
how you view the situation or have
transformed negative feelings into loving ones."

Rae Thompson
"Ripples of Peace" pg. 133

The flags in the photo are "Gale Warnings" for boaters in the Charleston Boat Basin. They are a warning to boaters that there are rough seas and to beware. Rae Thompson is giving us the same warning in her advice about choices and actions in our behaviors toward others. Stop and think about the situation. What "ripples" will occur from our choices and actions. I want to choose ripples of peace. Let Peace begin with me.

Photo by Al McDougall - 1/3/07
Gale Warnings at Charleston, Oregon Boat Basin

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