Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thoughts of Peace at Sunset

"If a man's dominating thoughts are of poverty, the law translates these thoughts into physical terms of misery and want. But if a man's dominating thoughts are of happiness and contentment, peace of mind and material wealth, the law transforms them into their physical counterpart. Man builds the pattern through his dominating thoughts, while the law of cosmic habitforce casts the mold according to the patterns man develops."

Cosmic Habitforce: The Law Which Fixes All Habits - Napoleon Hill

The sunsets at Lighthouse Beach always bring thoughts of peace and contentment for me.

I truly appreciate Napoleon Hill's philosophy of thoughts, the idea of working to choose our thoughts. There are many other teachers of life that are trying to instill the same idea; for people to use their minds to bring forth good in their lives. I want to concentrate on the "thoughts of happiness and contentment, peace of mind and material wealth." I also want to concentrate on gratitude; on being thankful for what I already have in life....especially my family.

Photo: Lighthouse Beach Sunset - 4/18/09

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooo -- love this idea so much. Thanks, Pati!

Also, Happy Mother's Day!