Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Peace of God

“In the quiet of this moment I am at peace. All is well."

“Allowing time for the silence of prayer and meditation is vital to my well-being. In the quiet, I am serene. I am still. I am calm. Inner peace permeates my body and clears my mind. I am connected to the Divine.

If at a later time I find myself in a challenging situation, the time I spent in the silence allows me to focus on the peace of God in the midst of the challenge. I focus on faith and love and know that all is well.

My action of compassion, gratitude and service reflect the serenity I feel within. In choosing inner peace, I bring great peace to the outer world.”

“He woke up and rebuked the wind and the raging waves; they ceased, and there was a calm.” Luke 8:24

Daily Word - 1/27/10

“FOCUS ON THE PEACE OF GOD.” When the challenging situations come, I have difficulty staying focused on the “peace of God.” I want to – yet, I seem to get caught up in the moment of chaos. I love the image of Jesus waking up in the fishing boat, when the disciples were frightened, and rebuking the wind and raging waves. To be able to focus on the fact that Jesus – the Holy Spirit, is with me and can help me be calm and peaceful, even in the chaos and storms of life, is comforting. I pray for this peace – the peace of God – Inner Peace.

“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” As todays Daily Word meditation states: “In choosing inner peace, I bring greater peace to the outer world.” If I choose actions of compassion, gratitude, service and love I will be choosing peace.

Yes, I feel peace during my early morning meditation times – or afternoon meditation times of rest, prayer and reading. The challenge is to feel that “peace of God” during the difficult times, the storms of life. This photo of the storm ravaged tree makes me think of how people can feel as they suffer through some of those storms of life.

“I must listen in order to bring myself into alignment with Spirit. When I am in sync with God, harmony is the inspiring result. I am blessed and at peace.” Daily Word 1/25/10

Photo: Storm ravaged tree on the bluffs of Shore Acres Park - Coos Bay, Oregon 1/17/10

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