Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Peace produces more peace"

"Being still has a soothing effect on us.
Peace produces more peace.
If we find peaceful places and
remain in them for a while,
we will begin to feel calmness engulf our souls.
we cannot live noisy lives continually
and expect to feel peaceful.

Joyce Meyer
"21 Ways to Finding Peace and Happiness" pg.164

The photo above is from one of our beach gardens where we have a St. Francis statue and a bird feeder among the dune grass and other native plants. St. Francis is hidden by one of the pigeon's perching on his arm. The garden is a peaceful place that encourages the birds to consume large quantities of bird seed. We have all variety of birds enjoying the seed and the calmness of the garden. St. Francis is one of my favorite saints, whose prayers inspire me. I'm lobbying for a rustic bench to be able to sit and feel the calmness engulf my soul.

Photo: Saint Francis Garden - Lighthouse Beach - 5/26/09

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful, peaceful spot for sure. Here's to getting that bench! =)