Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"God is the light upon my path, and when I turn to God in prayer, I am being led in the direction that is right for me. Whenever I face a difficult decision in my personal life, such as one concerning a job or relationship, I know that God will guide me to do what is best.

God's wisdom leads me to a new way of thinking, one in which I gain greater understanding of my spiritual nature. I am joy-filled as God leads me onward in my growing awareness and spiritual unfoldment.

I feel peaceful, content, and fulfilled in the knowledge that I will experience more and more of God's goodness on the path before me. God's light is leading me along the way, and blessings are flowing to me now.

I thank God every day for the wonderful gift of guidance. Not only am I being led to that which is best for me day by day, I am also being led to a growing awareness of my everlasting oneness with God."

Following Jesus - Spiritual Preparation for Easter
Unity Lenten Booklet - 2001

This is the time of Lent for Christians. The spiritual preparation for Easter. I pray for God's guidance everyday for myself and all of our family. Also, prayers and guidance for all the people in Japan affected by the earthquake and tsunami. May all people find the path to take - I pray there is a "light" to guide all of us on our life journeys.

Photo: One of the many beautiful paths around Shore Acres State Park. Al told me this path was the old road to the headlands at Shore Acres. 1/26/11

Friday, March 11, 2011

FOLLOW ME - by C. Lee

“Long I wandered, deep in thought
Trying to find my way.
Stumbling here, turning there…
Until the trees all looked the same.

“Follow Me,” the pine tree whispered.
“Walk this way,” the streambed called.
Joyously, I listened then,
For in the wind I heard the call.

“Follow Me,” it gently said.
“You’ll find your heart’s delight.
Come walk with Me, my precious friend.
Come, let Me be your guide.”

While we walked I learned of love,
Of joy and peace and faith.
The woods grew dim; the path, more straight
With Jesus as my guide.”

“Following Jesus”
Spiritual Preparation for Easter 2001
Unity Booklet

Photo: 1/26/11 - Al during a walk around Shore Acres State Park - Coos Bay, Oregon

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You & Your Money Personality

Out with the old,
in with the new!

Today Mary Hunt, of Everyday Cheapskate, is writing about how two different types of money personalities, that are married, can work together to achieve "money harmony."

"The secret to achieving money harmony, no matter your marital situation or personality type, is found in finding financial balance... While the saver/spender combination appears to be deadly, I think it is in fact one of the best, provided both parties are willing to talk about money issues. They complement each other well. The saver has to recognize that spending money with restraint and wisdom brings joy. The spender has to learn that saving, giving and preparing for the future brings a sense of calm and peace."

Mary Hunt - Everyday Cheapskate - 2/14/11

The idea of "a sense of calm and peace" for our financial future sounds comforting. Calm and peace is something I am striving for on a daily basis. Al and I have decided to share a "One Little Word" for the year.

Facilitate - is our One Little Word that Al created from our conversations and discussions. Our main focus is to facilitate planning for our future, for the rest of our lives. Financial is one focus. We are working through other ideas as they develop and present themselves in the evolution of our lives. As we are in our mid 60's now, we need to work through Estate planning and make decisions for those final stages of our lives. We need to be able to communicate and work together to achieve that "sense of calm and peace," that Mary Hunt describes.

What do the shoes have to do with Facilitate? The old shoes on the right are at least 15 years old. On Sunday I wore them to church. Those shoes have been one of my favorites to wear with slacks, even after all the years of wear. I finally acknowledged to myself that they are too tight and hurt my feet. Yesterday, I bought the new pair of Timberland boots on the left. 15 year old shoes. One of the traits of a thrifty person is to save. I have lots of other shoes that are even older in my closet. I need to Facilitate getting rid of my old saved shoes - not necessarily replace them. "The saver has to recognize that spending money with restraint and wisdom brings joy." I am very happy to have found a nice pair of shoes to replace one of my old favorites and I am feeling the joy.

Photo: Old and the new shoes - 2/14/11

Monday, February 14, 2011

Appreciation Leads to Peace


"I appreciate the people in my life.

Everyone wants to feel appreciated. We want to know our efforts have been worthwhile, our talents are important, and our views and opinions are valuable.

Have I told the people in my life lately that I appreciate them? Have I thanked them for their love and support, their faith and understanding, their time and effort?

I show my appreciation today by sending the people I care about an encouraging card or e-mail, treating them to a special lunch or a bouquet of flowers, or doing an errand that helps ease the stress in their lives. I make it known that I truly appreciate them. With every gesture of appreciation, I, too, am blessed. Every act of gratitude opens me to greater abundance, love, peace and joy.

"I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers."--Ephesians 1:16

Daily Word - 4/21/10

Photo: Homemade Chocolate Covered Strawberries for Al's Valentine enjoyment

Sunday, October 24, 2010


"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hill will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."

(Isaiah 55:12)

Photo: Simon, four years old, playing in the fall leaves - 10/26/06

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Feeling Peace with Pets.

"You may connect by taking time to be and play with your pet, be it your bird, cat, dog or any other pet. While petting, holding, talking to, walking with or playing with your pet, notice your feelings and your pet's response to you, as well. Just being aware of and feeling your pet's love for you, causes bliss. If you are truly in the moment, you may be feeling a sense of peace and gratitude for having your pet with whom to share your life, or, you may be experiencing deep love and affection for him or her. Just the act of petting your dog or cat releases endorphins, chemicals that help you to feel better."

Susan Apollon
"Tips to Living a Life of Bliss, Peace and Contentment - Finding Inner Peace"

Lily is visiting us at the beach for a couple of weeks while Ali, Chris, Simon and Anna are away on vacation. Al and I have always had Black Labs in our lives. Lily is another special Lab that brings happiness and peace. Lily's about eight years old now and having some trouble breathing after exertion, but never wants to quite chasing the ball or Frisbee. As long as we will throw it, she will continue to play.

Lily loves to go wherever Al goes - Fishing, crabbing, working in the yard, and especially running at the "Sheep Ranch" golf course.

Photos: 6/29/10 -
Lily waiting in the car to play chase with her tennis ball at Bandon Sheep Ranch and running with Al as he picked up his practice golf balls.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


"I value peace, gratitude, integrity and love.
No matter what is going on in the external world,
if I choose to be peaceful in myself and
focus my intention and attention on PEACE,
then I will be at peace."

Judy Stahl
President AMTA - American Massage Therapy Association
Massage Therapy Journal - Spring 2009

What a feeling of peace, watching the happiness of our granddaughter sitting in the grass, in the warm sun and playing with her toes...

Photo: Gabrielle - one year old 3/30/10